Privileged operations on the Business funding account, like onboarding new users or adding withdrawal wallets, require multi-signature approvals. Only members with the Funding Admin permissions are authorized to approve these actions.
Actions that require multi-signature approvals are as follows:
Funding Account user and permission updates, including adding or removing members from the funding account
Address book management, including adding or removing wallet addresses for withdrawals
Multi-signature threshold adjustments, including adding or removing members that can sign off on actions
Funding Admins can set custom thresholds, such as β (indicating two out of three Admins must sign off on the action) for these approvals.
Configuring multi-signature thresholds
Only Funding Admins under a Business Account can set and configure multi-signature thresholds. Follow these steps:
Navigate to the sidebar menu > My Account > Admin Operations.
Under the Admins Management section, click on the gear icon next to the Current threshold.
Follow the instructions to set or update the multi-signature threshold