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How does Auto-deleveraging (ADL) work on GRVT?
How does Auto-deleveraging (ADL) work on GRVT?
Updated over a week ago

For one specific position to be liquidated (e.g., long in BTC perpetual), we execute the following actions:

  1. Find all the accounts which hold short positions in BTC perpetual and calculate their corresponding leveraged P&L Ratios

  2. Sort these accounts descendingly in the leveraged P&L ratio

  3. Liquidate the position with the position from the FIRST account at the current MARK price

    1. If the position can be fully liquidated, done

    2. Else, repeat (3), i.e., starting from the next account


  1. The ADL will always be conducted at the Mark Price

  2. If ADL, there will be no trading fee charged to the counterparty. However, the liquidation fee will still be applicable to the account being liquidated.

For a position either in profit or in loss, the smaller the margin ratio (MB/MM), the larger the leveraged P&L Ratio. Positions with the largest leveraged P&L Ratio are prioritized for ADL first.

Under either portfolio margin or cross margin, the MB and MM refer to the portfolio level MB and MM, not position level.

Position Type


Leveraged P&L Ratio

Long Position

In Profit

(Mark Price - Entry Price) / Entry Price / (MB/MM)

Long Position

In Loss

(Mark Price - Entry Price) / Entry Price * (MB/MM)

Short Position

In Profit

(Entry Price - Mark Price) / Entry Price / (MB/MM)

Short Position

In Loss

(Entry Price - Mark Price) / Entry Price * (MB/MM)

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