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Onramping Process

Process to Deposit using Fiat via Onramper

Updated over a month ago

GRVT users can deposit fiat via our Onramper integration:

  1. Got to Buy USDT from our menu or user centre ( ).

  2. Select your fiat currency, enter your amounts, and choose a payment method. (Only USDT is available for receiving.)

  3. Onramper matches you with the best onramp provider by balancing price and convenience; you can switch providers using the drop-down.

  4. Select “Buy USDT” to complete the transaction in the provider’s window (they’ll usually notify you by email and may offer real-time tracking).

  5. Once the purchase completes, your USDT is sent automatically to our bridge provider, XY Finance, via a proxy linked to your GRVT funding account. Processing, release, and bridging typically takes up to 25 minutes.

    1. Check Troubleshooting if it is much longer or you suspect there's an issue.

  6. GRVT notifies you when your deposit reaches your Funding Account.

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