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What are the quantitative rules on GRVT?
What are the quantitative rules on GRVT?
Updated over a week ago

GRVT aims to prevent malicious trading through a set of quantitative rules.

Note: VIP Tier 9 Users are exempt from these rules, while VIP Tiers 1 to 8 will follow the rules set below.


  1. The current rule is a symbol-specific rule.

  2. For each specific symbol (e.g., BTC-USDT perpetual), during each 10-minute cycle, we first check whether the (1) Recording Threshold has been breached, if yes we will check (2) Ban Threshold, otherwise, we do not need to check (2)

  3. For a specific symbol, if it breaches the (2) Ban Threshold, we will apply the “Restrictions” below


(1) Recording Threshold

(2) Ban Threshold

Unfilled Ratio (UFR)

All orders count >=10,000

UFR >= 0.99

Good-Til-Canceled Ratio (GCR)

Good-Til-Canceled Orders >=5,000

GCR >= 0.99

Immediate-or-cancel (IOC) & Fill-or-kill (FOK) Expire Ratio (IFER)

IOC & FOK orders count >= 5,000

IFER >= 0.99

Dust Ratio (DR)

All orders count >=10,000

DR >= 0.9


  1. Single Symbol Violation

    1. If a symbol violates, cannot open or increase position on this symbol within next 5 minutes

    2. Will be lifted automatically after 5 minutes

    3. Not apply to other symbols; Not apply to close or reducing order on this symbol

  2. Repeated Single Symbol Violation

    1. If a symbol violates over 10 times in the past 24 hours, cannot open or increase position on this symbol within next 2 hours

    2. Will be lifted automatically after 2 hours

    3. Not apply to other symbols; Not apply to close or reducing order on this symbol

  3. Account Violation

    1. If there are 10 or more than 10 symbols which violate at the same time, the account cannot open or increase position on any symbol within next 2 hours

    2. Will be lifted automatically after 2 hours

    3. Not apply to close or reducing order on this symbol

Appendix: Definitions



Unfilled Ratio (UFR)

FR = USD Value of all Executed Orders placed in the past 10 min / USD Value of all Orders placed in the past 10 min

UFR = 1- FR

Good-Til-Canceled Ratio (GCR)

Invalid canceled order: has been placed for less than 2 seconds before being canceled

Good-Til-Canceled order: … more than 2 seconds…

GCR = Invalid canceled orders / Good-Til-Canceled Orders

Immediate-or-cancel (IOC) & Fill-or-kill (FOK) Expire Ratio (IFER)

IFER = Expired IOC & FOK Orders / All IOC & FOK Orders

Dust Ratio (DR)

DR = Number of Dust Order (USD Notional < $50) / Total Order Count

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